Bastardized Recordings, 2011

Bastardized Recordings, 2011

WE ARE THE DAMNED from lisbon, are a name to add to the list of bands like BLACK BREATH or TRAP THEM or the latest ROTTEN SOUND, bands with a high influence by the sound create in early 90's by ENTOMBED: swedish old school death metal guitar sound, crust-punk, death n' roll,...
WE ARE THE DAMNED are not new in the musical scene, some of their members has been playing or play in bands like TWENTY INCH BURIAL, MORE THAN A THOUSAND or ATENTADO, the other project of half all their members.
WE ARE THE DAMNED's second album "holy beast" came out last april, released by the german label bastardized records (DARKEST HOUR among others), has been a big step forward from their first one, focusing their sound into a raw, blasting and evil crust-death n'roll just comparable to bands like the americans BLACK BREATH.